Monday, April 16, 2012

The Centaurs In Ancient Greece

In Greek mythology, centaurs were creatures that were half man and half horse. They had the head, neck, chest, and arms of a man and the body and legs of a horse. Most of the centaurs were creatures known for their drunkenness and inappropriate behavior.

It is said that the centaurs were descended from a son of the son of Ares Ixion. Ixion fell in love with Hera. Ixion deciding to seduce Hera arranged a meeting with Hera. Zeus discovered the plan and formed a cloud in the shape of Hera. Ixion enraptured by his lust took advantage of the encounter and from this union; the race of centaurs was created.

The War with the kingdom of Lapiths began with King Pirithous of the Lapiths, son of Ixion, invited the centaurs to his wedding. The centaurs became drunk and uncontrollable offended with their lecherous pursuit of the Lapith women. A battle   between the rivals erupted. The Lapiths won the fight, killing many centaurs and he centaurs had no other choice but to leave Thessaly. The Grecian myths relate many clashes between centaurs and the hero Hercules.

Although, most of the centaurs were savage, the centaur Chiron, a teacher of medicine, music, hunting, and archery and the son of the god Cronos, taught gods and heroes. , including Hercules and Achilles among other heroes of the time.  Unfortunately Chiron was injured by one of Hercules' poisoned arrows.  Since he would live forever as the son of a God he would have suffered from the injury forever.  Finally Chiron asked Zeus to let him die. Zeus granted the favor and he was placed in the heavens as a star.

According to another myth the centaur named Nesses tried to rape the wife of Hercules. Hercules discovered in the act and shot him with a poisoned arrow. As he was dying, Nessus urged her to save some of the blood from his wound. He told her that if Hercules would never stop loving her, she could keep his love by applying the blood to his cloak of Hercules if she ever lost his love and he would return. she did as Nessus suggested and saved some of his blood.
When Hercules at one time was unfaithful to her, she gave him a cloak that she had covered with the blood of Nessus. The blood was poisoned, and Hercules asked Zeus allow him to die and enter Olympus.

The Centaurs are well known for the outrageous behavior and acts.  They will stay a part of history that is tainted with their deeds.
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